Why networking should be a key part of your marketing strategy?
And how to be strategic about it.
2020 - The year we'll never forget
As you get older, the years seem to flash before our eyes and admittedly as I try and recall events and memories, they tend to blur into either pre-kids or a post-kids era! However, 2020 will be forever vividly etched in my mind.
Why salons saying no to magazines will have a big impact on the media
Seeing the number of beauty salons from across the country standing up together and saying they will no longer stock celebrity magazines for clients to read in a protest against the toxic coverage and language seen in many of the publications, and the subsequent support from their clients, is a real turning point for the media industry.
Three words for celebration
Awards.Podcasts.Renewals. No, it’s not guess the what3words location but three wonderful things that have been cause for celebration recently at Bevic HQ.
What a year..
It’s been a huge learning curve, not just in terms of the practicalities of setting up and running my own business, but personally too. I’ve learnt things about myself, my motivations and drive, what I love doing, what I excel at, and what I need to work on. It’s been an eye-opening rollercoaster to say the least!
Finding the How to your Why
Whatever organisation, those leading the charge and having a clear purpose of why, play a key role in the success or failure of any business. Having a team that believes they can run with your vision and make the magic happen is what will really make a difference and not only put a big smile on your face, but your customers too!
When social media stops being lush
With an online community in excess of 1.2 million, it’s a surprising move by Lush to remove itself from social media, especially given how many companies have done the complete opposite, and chosen to put all their bath bombs in the digital basket. The decision has left many asking what the heck are they playing at?
Long live local media?
Despite all the emotion and apparent logical argument around local news provision, there is the bigger argument it appears when it comes to what makes financial sense. What seems ‘a nice to have’ local service quickly loses its place at the table when the financials don’t stack up and streamlining services from within the M25 is the ‘competitive’ thing to do.
It paints a bleak picture for a time when more than ever the London centric view of the world is being challenged.
Adding Marketing to the Mix
Having worked in marketing my whole career, I’ve seen first-hand how it can fall under several remits within an organisation, which range from the sublime to the ridiculous, and consequently has a big impact on the success of the business.
My first 100 days in the Bevic Office.
They say time flies when you’re having fun, or in my case launching a new business. 100 days have passed in a blink of an eye since Bevic Marketing Services Ltd officially launched. Here’s my top 10 highlights, lowlights and discoveries, that have all made the journey that bit more interesting.
Introducing Bevic.
Let me introduce you to Bevic Marketing Services Ltd and how it all began.