Business, Social Media, Advertising Vicky Clapham Business, Social Media, Advertising Vicky Clapham

Why salons saying no to magazines will have a big impact on the media

Seeing the number of beauty salons from across the country standing up together and saying they will no longer stock celebrity magazines for clients to read in a protest against the toxic coverage and language seen in many of the publications, and the subsequent support from their clients, is a real turning point for the media industry.

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Business, Social Media Vicky Clapham Business, Social Media Vicky Clapham

When social media stops being lush

With an online community in excess of 1.2 million, it’s a surprising move by Lush to remove itself from social media, especially  given how many companies have done the complete opposite, and chosen to put all their bath bombs in the digital basket. The decision has left many asking what the heck are they playing at?

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